None of these songs are ours, we are sharing them for no monetary gain; just solely for the extreme satisfaction of a well arranged playlist. If you discover an artist or band you really enjoy, we urge you to go purchase a (digital, because everything is digital these days) CD to support them. Also, if one of our files has expired, please email us at, and we will be happy to create a new link for you.

Monday, August 2, 2010


 As a 20 something year old adult/child, I tend to stay up too late on the internet. Luckily, I have adult/child friends who do the same. And sometimes, we even talk to each other while we do this! Shocking. It just so happens that tonight we decided to be somewhat productive while we are wiling away the hours. That's right. Productive. On the Internet.

As of right now, my friend Fil and I are making themed mixes, for musical stimulation (and for the lolz). I gave him the prompt "Running From An Axe Murderer. In The Woods." He gave me "The 2010 Hot Air Balloon Landing Festival."

Let the madness begin!

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